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(Waitinglist)IATA AIR Hackathon Seattle, USA- Developers/designers/creators ONLY
  05 Apr - 05:00 PM
  Seattle, United States
  $10,000 Prize Pool
Registering to this event means you accepted the Terms and Conditions of the IATA AIR  Hackathon 2019 in Seattle, USA available on The minimum age for participation is 18 year old. We reached capacity, but we are accepting waiting list in case of noshows. For any questions please contact  This registration is for Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link exists for API providers and Sponsors)
IATA AIR Hackathon Seattle, USA- Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link for API providers)
  05 Apr - 05:00 PM
  Seattle, United States
  $10,000 Prize Pool
Registering to this event means you accepted the Terms and Conditions of the IATA AIR  Hackathon 2019 in Seattle, USA available on The minimum age for participation is 18 year old. This hackathon promotes gender inclusion. This registration is for Developers/designers/creators ONLY (separate link exists for API providers and Sponsors) Please us at for any questions you may have. (incluiding hotel accommodation advise)